Women's Surf Camp Packing Tips - Maui Surfer Girls
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Surf Camp

Women’s Surf Camp Packing Tips

What to Bring to Women’s Surf Camp:

(updated for 2024)

One of the most common questions that we receive after a booking for women’s surf camp is “What should we bring?” We’ve updated our packing list for our expanded women’s camps, so please review our guides below! Our camp store will have many of these items available for you to purchase at camp if you would prefer to stock up once you are here for camp. Click the links to view items and size charts.

Items Needed for Surfing

Surf Coach Kelsey (in her Halloween wig!) Models her bikini from Maui-Girl.com – use code LOVESURF for 20% off!
  • 3 swim suits or more (sturdy and active style suits) – check out maui-girl.com for some great styles, use code LOVESURF for 20% off! 
  • 1-2 pairs Surf pants or quick dry leggings (Especially for first time surfers, non-cotton material is best)
  • 1 Long sleeve rash-guard to prevent board rash/sunburns
  • 2 Reusable water bottles (1 qt. capacity) (we’ll have some for sale at our camp store)
  • Sunblock (reef-safe, 30+ spf and waterproof) Our favorite is the SPF 33 Face+Body Tin from One Love Body Soul. Use the code mauisurfergirls15 for 15% off at onelovebodysoul.com
  • 1 BEACH TOWEL Check out our new MSG Turkish Towels (Turkish towels pack small and dry quickly, highly recommend!) We will have beach towels available to rent for the week at $5 each if you would prefer to pack lighter. Keep an eye on your pre-camp emails for details.
  • 1 day pack to pack sunscreen, water bottles, and towel to the beach each morning
  • Neoprene Booties or Water Shoes (required for first timers or beginners who have never surfed over reef before)


Necessities for Camp

  • 3 each of t-shirts, tanks, shorts and as many under garments as you need for the week*
  • 1 sweatshirt (it does get chilly at night sometimes) Check out our MSG hoodies available in our camp store.
  • 1 pair jeans or long pants
  • 1 pair flip-flops (slippahs as we call them) for around camp and at the beach
  • 1 pair of closed toe shoes or Tevas/Chacos, comfortable for hiking
  • 2 pair of socks
  • 1 hat
  • sunglasses
  • 1 floral print or dressy t-shirt, skirt, or dress (we have one night during the week we like to get a little fancy)
  • 1 towel for showers, optional washcloth (again, Turkish towels pack small and dry quick)
  • 1 towel or sarong for yoga on the lawn ( yoga mats not provided)
  • pajamas
  • toiletry bag with toiletry items (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, toothbrush & paste, etc)
  • headlamp or flashlight for walking around camp in the evenings
  • Health Insurance Card
  • any medications needed for the week (camp does have the basics-Tylenol, Motrin, etc)
  • Cash** for spending money & Tips: ~ $150-250

Optional Extras

  • back up sunglasses
  • small handheld mirror or compact if desired, the one large mirror in each bathroom can get backed up if multiple people are trying to do makeup, etc
  • your own surfboard***
  • reading material
  • camera/GoPro & phone/tablet/laptop (there is limited wi-fi) plus charger cords (each cabin has power outlets)
  • eye masks or earplugs if needed for sleeping

What’s Included

  • 1 Pillow
  • Fitted and flat sheet
  • Light Blanket
  • Camp t-shirt

More Notes

*There are laundry facilities available. Our coin operated machine is $2.50/load! We will have quarters you can trade for dollars as well as detergent.

**Meals & Activities are included, but please bring extra cash for tips for your Massage Therapist ($20-30), Camp staff (including Surf Coaches & Caterers – $120-200) and for various guided activities ($10-20).  

*** we have lots of surfboards for beginner and intermediates, but if you want to bring your own, that’s fine too! 

Plus we’ll have our logo store with shirts, rash guards, water bottles, hats and more! 

Please pack lightly, less is more at surf camp!

Mahalo to past camper Laura Yamasaki for sharing this awesome illustrated packing guide with us!

camp packing list 2019

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