Here’s an interview with Rachel Graham, our March Maui Surfer Girl of the Month! Congrats on all your surf accomplishments and recent acceptance to Chapman University! Keep charging with aloha…
1. When and where did you learn how to surf?
In Lahaina at the breakwall! yeahh dude. I think I took a couple lessons when I was about ten, but I didn’t start really surfing until I went to MSG when I was 13.
2. How did MSG play a part in your love for surfing?
2 months after a second knee surgery, I doubled up my knee braces and went surfing- MSG is where I really learned to surf, and I met a lot of awesome water women! I went on the Kauai trip two years in a row and it changed how I surfed again. I learned how to take bigger drops and it inspired me to finally get a wetsuit and surf in the cold water back home! I can’t even imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t gone.
3. What is your best MSG memory?
So many adventures- it’s hard to choose! Probably my 4 mile hike on Kauai with no shoes tops the list. (Editor Note: Not normal MSG protocol on hikes!)
4. Tell us about your surf team? What are your recent accomplishments?
The surf team is awesome! Since we live in such cold water, it’s hard to motivate and freeze your butt off for waves. It’s been great having such a cool group of people to surf with. Our team has only been around for 2 years, and we just pulled off a big win against Harbor High in Santa Cruz to clinch first place! Over the 5 contests this season, I won 2 shortboard and 3 longboard and finished in first in point standings in both. Competing is really fun and it’s a good way to get better!
5. If you could surf anywhere in the world where would you surf?
Mavericks of course….(just kidding). For the longest time, I wanted to surf Honolua Bay. Having done that, I think somewhere in Bali or Indonesia. Definitely warm water!
6. Do you have any advice for future MSG’s?
Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Surfing can be truly life changing- embrace it!
7. Any additional inspirations or shout outs…
MSG is the best! =]
Steamer Lane, Santa Cruz NSSA Contest